Elistat partners met in Timisoara, Romania on the 20th and 21st of September 2022. The meeting has been hosted by Asociatia de Therapye Familiala si de Cuplu Timisoara
Project partners: Ankara Provincial Directorate of Family Social Policies, Asociatia de Therapye Familiala si de Cuplu Timisoara, E-Seniors: Initiation Des Seniors Aux Ntic Association, Uniao Das Freguesias De Gondomar (Scosme) Valbom E Jovim, Inspira Education and Karabuk University have participated the meeting.
During the meeting, the progress of following Intellectual Outputs have been presented by partners by Output Leaders.
- Tutor Guide (IO2)
- Online LMS Platform (IO3)
- Activity Book (IO4)
- Project Videos (IO5)
- Project Podcast (IO6)
Inspira Education has presented the exisitng status of Tutor Guide Design and Online LMS Platform. Partners have provided their feedbacks on the aspects that can be improved.
ATFCT (Asociatia de Therapye Familiala si de Cuplu Timisoara) has presented existing status of Art Therapy Activity Book. Activities to be presented in the book have been assigned to partners.
Partners also presented their feedback fort he presented structure of the book.
Sinergia who is the leader of Video Series Output has presented the Sample Video. Other video topics have been assigned to Project partners. Assigned partners will prepare Educational Videos following the same track in the sample video.
E-Seniors who is the leader of Podcasts Output has presented the Sample Podcast. Other podcast topics have been assigned to Project partners. Assigned partners will prepare Educational Podcastss following the same track in the sample podcast.