Final Meeting of Elistat Project has been held in Gondomar, Portugal under the organization hosting partner Unıao Das Freguesıas De Gondomar.
At the first day of the meeting, partners Ankara ASHIM, Gondomar, E-Senior, ATFCT and Sinergia presented the experiences, feedbacks and results they had during their national workshops and multiplier events.
Following that, Inspira has presented the final version of IO3 Online Learning Platform.
Inspira has also made presentation on Social Media Channels of the Project. Analytics and Statistical information of project’s youtube, facebook and instagram pages have been shared with the partners.
The meeting has continued with Ankara ASHIM presentation on Administrative and Finacial Issues and Final Report partner assignments.
The meeting has ended with Cultural Activities organized by hosting partner Gondomar. All the partners enjoyed the Fligree Museum and Douro River bank.