The LTTA activity, where our project outputs were tested, was held between 5-9 December 2022, hosted by Karabuk University.
5 adult learners each from Turkey, Italy, France, Romania and Portugal participated in the training activity. In the training moderated by Karabük University, the participants received training on the following 4 main modules within the scope of the project.
1- Introduction to Art Therapy,
2- Art Therapy for the Elderly,
3- Art Therapy Practices
4- Specific Art Therapy applications
Participants continued their individual training on the above-mentioned modules, in addition to the theoretical and practical training, through the Online Platform of the project. Participants had the opportunity to test themselves on the Online Platform and received their Online Certificates at the end of the training.
During the 5-day training, there were many workshops and interactive activities supporting the module presentations. Among them, the main ones were:
- Mask Persona activity,
- Body Scan activity,
- Past, future regression activity,
- Intercultural Drama activities